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PAGE 2                                              To advertise call (775)727-8787                                         OCTOBER 2024
        Continued From Page 1                                •  Stay  on  sidewalks. Whenever possi-              enough to bite or scratch someone.

            •  or drag on the ground.                            ble, trick-or-treaters should stick to the   •  Avoid masks that obstruct vision. It can
            •  Trick-or-treat in groups. Children are            sidewalks and avoid walking on the
               safer in numbers due to the increased             roads. This may not always be possible           be hard to see peripherally with a mask
                                                                 in neighborhoods without sidewalks,
               visibility of a crowd and because, if             where parents and youngsters must be             on, so avoid costumes with masks that
               something happens, others can call for            especially careful.                              compromise vision.
               help. Parents can use their discretion on     •  Eat before trick-or-treating. A meal or
               what age they feel is mature enough to let        snack before trick-or-treating can re-       •  Test out makeup beforehand. All make-
               children go out alone. Until then, chil-          duce the tendency to fill up on candy            up used for costumes should be tested
               dren should be accompanied by adults.             while out and about. All candy and oth-
            •  Improve visibility. It’s important to be          er treats should be inspected by an adult        for allergic reactions prior to use. Heed
               seen  while  trick-or-treating,  and that         before it is eaten.                              the warnings on packaging and avoid
               can be achieved by making sure cos-           •  Keep pets locked away. Animals can be-
               tumes and trick-or-treat bags feature             come skittish when there are many peo-           putting makeup too close to the eyes or
               reflective tape. Trick-or-treaters also can       ple loitering outside of homes or ringing        lips.
               carry flashlights or glow sticks to im-           doorbells. Keep pets in  a  quiet room
               prove visibility, and stick to areas with         away from the action to prevent them         These are some safety strategies designed to
               streetlights if going out after dark.             from getting loose, injured or scared     keep Halloween fun and incident-free this year.

                                                         enjoyed toting about the White House in her       Child star Shirley Temple reportedly didn’t love
                                                         purse and taking out at unexpected moments.       her famous curls, preferring instead the cropped
                                                                                                           ‘do of her hero, Amelia Earhart.
                                                         Actor Bela Lugosi was buried in full Dracula
                                                         costume.                                          Remember this when you’re attempting to settle
                                                                                                           a dispute with currency: When you flip a coin,
                                                         The White House Press Briefing Room was built     there is a slightly greater chance that it will end
                      By Lucie Winborne                  over what used to be an indoor swimming pool,     up on the side it started.
                                                         installed for Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.

        When he’s not busy predicting the weather at     Female cicadas have been known to confuse the     The NASA Vehicle Assembly Building in Florida
        Gobbler’s Knob, PA, America’s most famous                                                          is so huge it has its own weather.
        groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, lives in the       roar of power tools for mating calls, sometimes
        town Library with his wife, Phyllis.             swarming people using lawn mowers.                Women in traditional Rwandan societies avoid
                                                                                                           eating goat meat, as it’s believed this will cause
        LEGO has an underground vault with every set     In 2016, a church in Colombo, Sri Lanka,          them to grow a beard.
        ever made.                                       accidentally printed the lyrics to Tupac Shakur’s
                                                         rap hit “Hail Mary” instead of the Catholic       The record for the longest tire skid was set in
        Though he’s today regarded as one of history’s   prayer of the same name, in the booklet for a     1964 at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.
        greatest orators, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.     Christmas carol service.
        received a “C” in public speaking while a student                                                  Walt Disney World is a surprisingly popular
        at Crozer Theological Seminary.                  Baby porcupines are known as porcupettes.         place for people to scatter the ashes of their
                                                                                                           deceased loved ones. Unsurprisingly, the
        Prior to the invention of the internet, Nintendo   In the early 20th century, California’s Glass   “Happiest Place on Earth” takes a dim view of
        employed game counselors whom players could      Beach was used as a trash dump. Decades of        the practice, saying that anyone bringing human
        ring for advice and assistance with navigating a   ocean tides have cleared the beach and polished   remains onto the property will be asked to leave.
        game.                                            discarded bottles and automobile tail lights into
                                                         collectible pebbles of sea glass.                 The modern popped collar originated as a
        Through  the  years,  folks  have  come  up  with                                                  way to keep tennis players’ necks from getting
        euphemisms for pooping, but surely Icelanders    In 1939, Hitler’s nephew wrote an article titled   sunburned.
        rank among the top contenders with “ad tefla     “Why I Hate My Uncle.” He came to America,
        vid pafann,” roughly translatable as “playing    served in the Navy and settled on Long Island.
        chess with the pope.”
                                                         Continental plates drift as fast as fingernails
        Kea parrots spread warbles when they’re in       grow.
        a good mood, making them the first known
        non-mammal species to communicate with           Nineteenth-century British surgeon George
        infectious laughter.                             Merryweather believed leeches could predict
                                                         the weather. Sadly, his “tempest prognosticator,”
        Theodore Roosevelt’s daughter Alice, who was     displayed at the Great Exhibition in 1851, failed
        generally known for being a bit of a handful,    to catch on.
        had a pet snake named Emily Spinach that she
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